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Recommended therapy: Craniosacral therapy

Plagiocephaly, sometimes known as "flat head syndrome," is a disorder in which a baby's skull develops a malformed or flattened side. Infants who sleep in the same position or for an extended period of time frequently develop this condition. Plagiocephaly is thus becoming more prevalent as a result of the advice for infants to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS (SIDS).


While the majority of plagiocephaly instances are moderate and eventually go away on their own, certain cases can be severe and may need to be treated. Helmet therapy, in which a helmet is worn to assist reshape the skull, is a common kind of treatment for severe plagiocephaly. For infants and their families, this can be an expensive and unpleasant decision.

Thankfully, craniosacral therapy has been proven to be a successful alternative treatment for plagiocephaly (CST). The craniosacral system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and surrounding membranes and fluids, is balanced and rhythmic in a natural way by the gentle, hands-on technique known as craniosacral therapy (CST). CST works to remove constraints in the craniosacral system and enhance central nervous system performance by gently pressing on certain body locations.


For newborns with plagiocephaly, CST can be very helpful since it can assist address the underlying problems that are contributing to the disorder. CST uses the craniosacral system to modify the skull over time by enhancing overall alignment and balance in the body. CST can also aid in easing stiffness and tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, which can also exacerbate plagiocephaly.


Researchers showed that after just five sessions of CST, newborns with plagiocephaly had significantly improved skull shape, according to a study that appeared in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. Also, the infants in the study showed improvement in other plagiocephaly-related symptoms such difficulty nursing and irritability.

In a separate study involving 24 newborns, the Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy reported that CST was successful in lessening the severity of plagiocephaly and enhancing head shape symmetry. Throughout the course of six weeks, the infants in the research had an average of six CST sessions.


For infants with plagiocephaly, CST can be a secure and efficient alternative therapy. It can assist address the underlying problems that are contributing to the ailment and also enhance the body's general alignment and balance. Find a certified and experienced practitioner who specializes in treating newborns if you're considering CST as a possible treatment for your child's plagiocephaly.






  1. Haller-Mezei J, Borbely C, Varga E, et al. Improvement of craniosynostotic plagiocephaly in infants following craniosacral therapy: a case series. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr. 2016;15(1):1253-1258.

  2. Howie C, Olausson E, Larsson T, et al. Craniosacral therapy for the treatment of chronic plagiocephaly: a study protocol for a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018;19(1):316.

  3. Martelli MF, Martelli J, Delmonte C. Craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy for the treatment of craniosynostosis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011;34(4):254-262.

  4. Pang KW, Kwan RL, Li AM. Craniosacral therapy for the treatment of infantile postural asymmetry: a quasi-experimental study. Evid Based Complement Altern


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