What is Myofascial Therapy
Myofascial is describing two crucial components of our body- the muscles (Myo) and the connective tissue (fascia). Myofascial therapy, then, is nothing more than working with these two systems to improve overall function.
Myofascial therapy comes in many flavors, and the choice of approach is based on the needs and restrictions of the tissue. For an athlete recovering from a hard workout, a softer gliding technique can be used to move inflammation out of painful areas, while a post-surgery rehab patient would require heavier pressure at the site of the surgery to help break up the scar tissue that has built up.
Ailments and Therapies
Trigger Point Therapy
Common specific points of pain located throughout the body can be targeted with TPT, used to increase range of motion and decrease pain.
Unique technique that lifts and decompresses tissue instead of compressing tissue. Used to decrease local inflammation.
Instrument Assisted Massage
Technique designed to boost circulation and penetrate deep into tissue to reduce tension and pain.
Lymphatic Drainage
Technique with long brushing motions to help increase lymphatic circulation. Can be used to get rid of local inflammation.

1) Lewit K. The needle effect in the relief of myofascial pain. Pain. 1979;6(1):83–90.
2)Furlan AD, van Tulder M, Cherkin D, Tsukayama H, Lao L, Koes B, et al. Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain: an updated systematic review within the framework of the cochrane collaboration. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2005;30(8):944–63.
3)Hsieh YL, Kao MJ, Kuan TS, Chen SM, Chen JT, Hong CZ. Dry needling to a key myofascial trigger point may reduce the irritability of satellite MTrPs. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;86(5):397–403.
4)Journal Of Musculoskeletal Pain, Vol. 22(3): 301–307, 2014
5)Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Nijs J. Trigger point dry needling for the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome: current perspectives within a pain neuroscience paradigm. J Pain Res. 2019;12:1899‐1911. Published 2019 Jun 18. doi:10.2147/JPR.S154728